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Creating affordable and sustainable, nature-integrated homes for independent living

1.   AARP Public Policy Institute
2.   Financing Strategies
3.   Aging and Disability Services, King County, WA
4.   United Nations - Human Settlements Program..
5.   Nature Integrated Homes and Living Dwellings
6.   Community Building and Independent Living
7.   Alternative Energy: Underground Thermal Energy Storage and Lighting
8.   Standards
9.   Materials
10. Government Agencies
11. Vashon Energy Project (Environmental Education by Lifesense Institute)

1.  AARP Public Policy Institute
''Strategies to Meet the Housing Needs of Older Adults," March 2010
by Keith Wardrip


2.  Financing Strategies

       "New Financing Strategies for Next Generation Green Homes," February 2010
        by Robert Bornn (Builder/Architect magazine)

"New Spin on Small-Home Trend Creates Big Design/Build Opportunities," April 2010
 by Robert Bornn (Builder/Architect magazine)


3.  Aging and Disability Services, King County, WA

      February 2009:  ''Quiet Crisis: Age Wave Maxes Out Affordable Housing, King County 2008-2025"
      created through the collaboration of six public agencies, Cedar River Group, LLC, and others 
        (Senior Housing Report, Appendix, and more)

4.  United Nations - Human Settlements Program (UN-Habitat)

       "UN-Habitat" is the United Nations agency for human settlements.  It is mandated by the General Assembly 
        to "promote socially and environmentally sustainable towns and cities with the goal of providing 
        adequate shelter for all."  (www.unhabitat.org)

5.  Nature Integrated Homes and Living Dwellings
Earth Houses by Peter Vetsch

The New Alchemy Institute (1971-1991)

"New Alchemy Institute Bio-Shelters" by New Alchemy Institute 
(naibiosh.pdf - download a 65 MB .pdf) 

Malcolm Wells
underground buildings, earth sheltered architecture, energy efficient houses, passive solar 

Rocky Mountain Institute

Island Quarterly Archive: 1970's alternative community founded by Robert Bornn on an island in Maine

Hockerton Housing Project, United Kingdom

"Living Buildings," The World and I magazine, October 1999
LivingBuilding-World_and_I.pdf (1.1 MB)

Ocean Arks International - (1981-2009) founded by Dr. John Todd, a visionary in ecological water purification

About Ocean Arks International

"Thirsty Puruvians Harvesing Fog with Nets," Reuters, March 22, 2010

6.  Community Building and Independent Living
AARP Public Policy Institute
''Strategies to Meet the Housing Needs of Older Adults" (March 2010)

RL Mace Universal Design Institute

The Center for Universal Design

"The Principles and Guidelines of Universal Design," Northwest Universal Design Council

Age-in-Place Initiative
is an initiative of Partners for Livable Communities and the National Association of Area Agencies on Aging (n4a) 

"Sustainable Design Begins with Universal Design"
By Drue Lawlor, FASID and chair of the ASID Aging in Place Council, American Society of Interior Designers

Pattern Language (Christopher Alexander, Founder and Chairman)

Center for Environmental Structure (Christopher Alexander, et.al.)
"Building Living Neighborhoods"

A Grass Roots Effort to Grow Old at Home  by Jane Gross
The New York Times describes NORCs (Naturally Occurring Retirement Communities)

Age-in-Place Planning 
(described in an interview with Ms. Taylor, a specialist in aging and long-term care)
"A Final Nesting Place" by Rebecca TeaGarden, Seattle Times, Pacific NorthWest Magazine

"The Other Health Care Crisis -- America's Elderly" by Martha Stewart in the Huffington Post
"We're utterly unprepared for the coming 'silver tsunami'."

The Small House Movement

On Architecture: Living in a Dream World
They're billed as eco-friendly, but Street of Dreams homes are really about lavish luxury
By Lawrence Cheek, Special to the Seattle Post Intelligencer

7.  Alternative Energy: Underground Thermal Energy Storage/Lighting
International Energy Agency- Energy Conservation through Energy Storage (IEA-ECES)

Drake's Landing Solar Community (Canada)

Alternative Energy Information

Index to Seasonal Thermal Energy Storage Newsletters (Archive 1978-1993)

ASME: Journal of Solar Energy Engineering

Trends in Japan: Novel Energy Storage Systems

Solar Engineering Savings Calculations

University of Wisconsin, Madison, College of Engineering, Information re Concentrating Solar Collector

University of Ontario, Engineering and Applied Sciences, "Thermal Energy Background"

Solar District Heating with a Combined Pit and Duct Storage in the Underground

The LED Light, Inc. 
Select #1 on their catalog for information about the technology. 

LED Lighting Fixtures, Inc.

EcoBusiness Links

8.  Standards
The "Living Building Challenge" from the Cascadia Region Green Building Council

The U.S. Green Building Council - LEED Certification

Natural Resources Defense Council (LEED description)

9.  Materials
Nucor Steel - Large Scale Recycler

American Shotcrete Association (ASA)

Ferrocement Educational Network

Amercian Concrete Institute (ACI)

Washington Aggregates and Concrete Association (WACA)

Hemp Technologies LLC

10. Government Agencies
Federal Government
National Renewable Energy Labs

Washington State
Washington State Housing Finance Commission, 17th Annual Housing Washington Conference (2010)
Tuesday, October 19 and Wednesday, October 20

Access Washington - official site of Washington State

Revised Code of Washington (RCW)

Accessory Dwelling Units, per RCW Title 21A.08.030.7.a, Permitted Uses
(ADUs25-Title 21A08.pdf)

Department of Health (DOH), Washington

Waste Water Management Program - List of Registered On-site Treatment and Distribution Products - DOH, Washington

Water System Design Manual - DOH, Washington
Includes 7.2.6 Rainwater Collection Systems (Cisterns)

King County, Washington
Department of Development and Environmental Services (DDES)

DDES Green Building Program

Department of Natural Resources and Parks (DNRP)

Aging and Disability Services, King County, WA

    "Quiet Crisis: Age Wave Maxes Out Affordable Housing, King County 2008-2025"
      (Senior Housing Report and Appendix)

11. Vashon Energy Project (Environmental Education by Lifesense Institute)

LifeSense Institute
BuildingCircles Organization works with LifeSense Institute to provide environmental education with a focus on affordable and sustainable, contemporary building technologies that use universal design.  These technologies will support the building of AdvancedGreen, nature-integrated, living homes for independent living.   LifeSense Institute is a nonprofit corporation on Vashon-Maury Island founded in 2006 by Robert Bornn and Laura Worth
Vashon Island Earthfair
Project Solar Harvest Goes to Island Earthfair 2006


Sunrise Over Quartermaster Harbor
Vashon-Maury Island, Washington
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The Small Print:
This site is for educational purposes only.  It is not a substitute for professional consultation.  No claim is made or implied that the ideas, inventions, illustrations, and documents on this site are applicable to anyhousing, building, or land use project.  Nor does the site represent in any way consulting services of any kind.  Nothing on this site is an offer to sell, transfer, license, or use intellectual property.

Copyright (c) 2006-2010 by Robert Bornn and Laura Worth.  All rights reserved. 
BuildingCircles, LifeSense Institute, AdvancedGreen, and Creating affordable and sustainable, nature-integrated homes for independent living are trademarks of Robert Bornn and Laura Worth.

Renderings by Robert Bornn and Nancy Henderson, AIA, LEED, AP.
Floor plan by Nancy Henderson, AIA, LEED, AP
Illustrative Site Plan Courtesy of Barbara Oakrock, Oakrock Design Studio

Photos by Robert Bornn
Web site by Laura Worth Web Design.