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Creating affordable and sustainable, nature-integrated homes for independent living
Solar Heat
A premise behind the design philosophy of BuildingCircles is that basic shelter should contribute toward its own internal heating and cooling.  It should be supported by annual solar heat storage and other alternative, non-carbon dioxide producing energy systems.  Relatively large amounts of thermal energy can be derived from daily solar gain and stored seasonally in the ground for interior and hot water heating.  The maximization of this solar gain may best be achieved by utilizing landscape-integrated buildings.   Additionally, the single most effective method for conserving energy from the start is with sufficient high quality insulation.  A portion of heating and cooling can also be achieved with the use of a buried (4'-6') "ground loop" circulating 50° ± F. water.


The Solar Harvester Thermosyphon 
Drawing is provided courtesy of 
Jon D. McWhirter, Ph.D., P.E.
(click picture for printable version of drawing)

The Solar Harvester  invention is the basis for collection and storage of solar thermal energy for heating BuildingCircles community homes.

A hermetically sealed, flat-plate, solar heat collector used under water is an example of our nature-integrated design.

In one example there will be a large underground cistern to store the heat.  Heated water will circulate from the cistern through radiant floor heating. 


SolarHarvester  Solar Heat Collector
SolarHarvester is the BCO system for collecting solar heat and storing it in an insulated water, ground, or rock medium. 

It is intended for use year-round in Northern latitude locations such as the Pacific Northwest. 

In the version shown in the drawing above, year-round heat storage is in a water cistern under the dwelling.  Further technical details are available.

Heat collection and storage systems using some of the same elements of BCO's SolarHarvester are used worldwide for year-round,  carbon-neutral heating of buildings.



(from National Renewable Energy Laboratory) 
by Jon D. McWhirter, Ph.D., P.E
for BuildingCircles Organization
(click chart for printable enlargement)

by Jon D. McWhirter, Ph.D., P.E
for BuildingCircles Organization
(click chart for printable enlargement)


Worldwide Examples of High-Temperature, Underground, Thermal Energy Storage (HT-UTES) at High Latitudes 

International Energy Agency- Energy Conservation through Energy Storage (IEA-ECES)

Drake's Landing Solar Community (Canada)

Alternative Energy Information

Index to Seasonal Thermal Energy Storage Newsletters (Archive 1978-1993)

ASME: Journal of Solar Energy Engineering

Trends in Japan: Novel Energy Storage Systems

Solar Engineering Savings Calculations

University of Wisconsin, Madison, College of Engineering, Information re Concentrating Solar Collector

University of Ontario, Engineering and Applied Sciences, "Thermal Energy Background"

Solar District Heating with a Combined Pit and Duct Storage in the Underground


Meditation Pond
Designed and Built by Robert Bornn
Heather Heights Estate in Saratoga, California

Illustrates the type of pond that could 
be used in the Solar Harvester system 


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The Small Print:
This site is for educational purposes only.  It is not a substitute for professional consultation.  No claim is made or implied that the ideas, inventions, illustrations, and documents on this site are applicable to anyhousing, building, or land use project.  Nor does the site represent in any way consulting services of any kind.  Nothing on this site is an offer to sell, transfer, license, or use intellectual property.

Copyright (c) 2006-2010 by Robert Bornn and Laura Worth.  All rights reserved. 
BuildingCircles, LifeSense Institute, AdvancedGreen, and Creating affordable and sustainable, nature-integrated homes for independent living, and enchanted naturalism are trademarks of Robert Bornn and Laura Worth.

Renderings by Robert Bornn and Nancy Henderson, AIA, LEED, AP.
Floor plan by Nancy Henderson, AIA, LEED, AP.
Illustrative Site Plan Courtesy of Barbara Oakrock, Oakrock Design Studio

Photos by Robert Bornn
Web site by Laura Worth Web Design.